The Ascension: First Novel in the Callum Walker Series
A magical war is brewing. While humankind is blissfully unaware, two evil brothers, a sorcerer and a necromancer, are marshalling deadly supernatural forces and armies of mythical creatures in a bid to destroy one another.
The Convergence: Second Novel in the Callum Walker Series
The Winter War is over, but another battle has begun—the tug-of-war between the darkness and the purveyor of light. Theia, The Goddess of Light, steward of goodness and life, must square off against her counterpart, Omus, The Eternal Darkness, fomenter of corruption and death.
The Fractured Veil: Third Novel in the Callum Walker Series
Callum Walker triumphed over the darkest of evils but, in doing so, the veil separating humankind from the magical realm was damaged. To protect humanity, Callum patrols the border to prevent malicious vagrants from wreaking havoc.